About Us

I put this site up for one reason only – to give burger-loving folks the opportunity to discuss and review anything that is happening in the world of burgers. What gives us the credibility to rank and list burgers across this great land? The joy and love of the best food invented by mankind.

I have no formal training in food tasting or judging. I’ve worked at restaurants in college but my culinary experience ends there. My kids think I’m a top-notch cook and do have incedible palettes so I take there word for it.  I also rely on friends, acquaintances and outside reviews to help me discover and learn about the great burgers that must be experienced. I see that as an advantage to many of our reviews. They’re by ordinary people looking for extraordinary burgers.

We judge and talk about every type of burger we can get our hands on from bison, turkey, beef, veggie and bean. We don’t want to discriminate against our vegan friends and most certainly want to have them participate in the love for these culinary creations.

Why do I call it Burger a Week? Because I do my best to keep to no more than a burger in one week’s time. As in all good things moderation should be practiced. I’m a dedicated runner completing over 31 marathons (at least one 50-miler so far) at the writing of this page. That’s me a couple years back. I’ll post another one when I don’t look like a walking cadaver post-race. My goal is to appreciate the finest burger cuisine out there while also being mindful of a healthy body, mind and soul. And also to prove to that you can have a darn-good burger once in a while without feeling guilty about it.Burger a Week founder John

Please join me in your love of this delightful creation of meat and bread and let me know what you think about the site, our reviews, ideas, etc.

In Burgers We Trust,

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