What Were They Thinking – Burger Ideas Gone Bad

News Burger created to taste like human flesh,

Published on September 23rd, 2014 | by John


Last Weeks’ Burger Ideas That Are Failing Miserably

Ever since I put this blog together and started posting about burger news, anecdotes and favorite burgers, I was always concerned with the ‘bad’ side of the burger world: The Big 4 Burger Chains, farmed meat factories, pink slime, obesity, etc. So last week’s burger news makes meat a bit squeamish and sad for those of us who enjoy this culinary treat. Hopefully these are a blip on the screen and we’ll soon have our burger news grilling up some better things to talk about.

Okay, let’s start with the Black Burger from Burger King Japan. Even with its highly polished, airbrushed, photo-shopped promotional images, the burger still appeared revolting. Needless to say, someone actually posted a real picture of this burger after ordering it. Behold the Black Burger. How does something go from unappetizing to gee this is just gross.Image of real black burger side by side

Not to be outdone by the Black Burger in preparation for Season 5 of The Walking Dead, Messhead – a collaboration between London-based food creatives Miss Cakehead and Mess London chef James Thomlinson created a burger which supposedly tastes like human flesh. Golly gee I can’t wait to bite into that. I think that was on my bucket list – eat human flesh. Can’t find any volunteers so I’ll settle for something that ‘tastes’ like human  flesh. Some things are better left undone.


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